Social Media Sites To Know About

» Mashable.Com

Mashable is an American news website and Internet news blog founded by Pete Cashmore. The website’s primary focus is social media news, but also covers news and developments in mobile, entertainment, online video, business, web development, technology and gadgets. Mashable was launched by Pete Cashmore from his home in Aberdeen, Scotland in July 2005. With a reported 30+ million monthly page views [and an Alexa ranking under 250, Mashable ranks as one of the world’s largest websites. As of February 2011, it has over two million Twitter followers and over 425,000 fans on Facebook.

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» Social Media Join Toolkit for Hunters of Disease

On a chilly February night in Los Angeles, attendees at the DomainFest Global Conference crushed together in a tent at the Playboy Mansion for cocktails and dancing. Two days later, Nico Zeifang, a 28-year-old Internet entrepreneur from Germany, woke up with chest pains, chills and a soaring fever.

So he did what any young techie would: He logged on to Facebook and posted a status update. “Domainerflu count,” it said. “Who else caught the disease at D.F.G.?”

Los Angeles County health authorities and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stepped in to investigate a few days later. By that time, victims from across the globe already had arrived at their own diagnosis – legionellosis – and had posted their own Wikipedia entry on the outbreak.

» Did You Know?

We are ready to handle all of your social media needs. We will start with a social media strategy to make sure you have an organized and thoughtful plan. Then we will set up your components, write the pieces and manage the flow of information. Call us at 978-951-9077 or contact us here.

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